






1. 中:雞蛋裡挑骨頭。德:湯裡找頭髮。

2. 中:一粒老鼠屎,壞了一鍋粥。

3. 德:太多廚師會毀了一鍋湯。中:三個和尚沒水喝。

4. 中:吃快弄破碗。德:小心會燙手!


5. 中:打破砂鍋問到底。德:這會把鍋子都打破,意指「實在有夠扯」。

6.  中:刀子口,豆腐心。(導演最喜歡的一句!)

7.  德:其他人要把湯喝完。中:現在不關我的事了!



        Tilmann 又問道,中文裡是否有用來稱呼「外國人」的不雅用語。演員們此起彼落地說:「當然有!」例如:阿兜仔、紅毛、金毛、番仔等等。









Date: 06/20/12

Place: Tainaner Rehearsal Studio



        Before rehearsal, Tilmann greets everyone in Mandarin, “Ni Hao!” (Hello!). His Chinese greeting unfolds today’s cultural exchange. He asks us if there’s any Chinese idiom related to kitchen, because he thinks idioms reflect directly a nation’s culture and mindset. Indeed, food plays an important part in Chinese cultures. Therefore, the actors come up with a lot of idioms related to kitchen. For instance,


1. CH: Look for a bone in an egg

    EN: A fly in the ointment; find quarrel in a straw; find fault with

    GE: Hair in the soup

2. CH: One rat’s dropping spoils the entire pot of porridge.

    EN: One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.

3. DE: Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    CH: Three monks have no water to drink.

    EN: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

4. CH: Those who eat too fast break the bowls. 

    GE: Watch out! Your hands will get burnt.

    EN: Haste makes waste.

5. CH: Breaking an earthenware pot/cracking down to the bottom

    EN: Getting to the bottom of the matter

    GE: Breaking the bottom of the pot. The idiom is used to describe something

    preposterous or incredible.

6. CH: A mouth as sharp as a dagger but a heart as soft as tofu.

    (Tilmann’s favorite one!)

    EN: Cold hands, warm heart.

7. GE: Others have to finish the soup.

    EN: It’s none of my business.


Tilmann also asks us if there’s any derogatory expression in the Chinese language used to describe foreigners. Of course we do! It includes: “Someone with a protruding nose,” “Red hair,” “Blondie,” “Barbarian,” etc.

        After the discussion, the actors start to get on their feet. Tilmann directs them to use pots and plates to produce a variety of sounds. Human voices, including scream, sob, yell, and laughter, are interwoven with the metal sounds into a diverse and dynamic soundscape. Sometimes, one sound may have two different functions simultaneously. For instance, the sound of “Shü” could be the sound of frying or shushing someone.

        As for the relationship between actor and character, Tilmann brings up a fascinating observation. He compares actors to lawyers. Lawyers speak for their clients in the court, but it doesn’t mean that the former’s personal values and attitudes are aligned with the latter’s. In their minds, lawyers may comment on their clients or even hold opinions diagonally different from their clients. The relationship between actors and characters resembles that between lawyers and clients. Actors impersonate characters and voice for them, yet actors may have different opinions from their characters and comment on their behaviors and values. The incongruity between the two thus forms a tension.

        After lunch break, Tilmann starts the rehearsal with a series of environmental exercises. They tell the story in their own words instead of addressing the lines of the play. Over the course of the improvisation, the play’s main storyline is kept. After the improvisation progresses for a while, Tilmann stops the actors from using verbal language to communicate with each other or express themselves. Instead, they sing, whistle, and utter nonverbal sounds. The actors’ interactions become more lively and more intense. The whole improvisation lasts for forty minutes and brings the house down. However, the actors still find it difficult to build up the environment because very few of them had the experience of working in the kitchen of a restaurant in reality. 

         One point Tilmann emphasizes is that the actors should use as few props as possible. He also suggests the actors not to over-define props. Rather, he encourages the actors to open up their imagination and free props from the constraint of one single meaning. Based on this flexible game rule, pots are not just pots, and plates are not just plates. Every object could transform into other objects or even figures and have multiple meanings which may also appear simultaneously. In this production, not a single rule can be used to decipher everything, including characters or inanimate objects. It is a production full of fluidity, multiplicity, and immediacy.





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