Tilmann discusses with the actors their feelings about last week’s rehearsal and brings to their attention one of the play’s main themes: if I were someone else. This theme can be seen in both actors and characters. While each actor plays characters drastically different from themselves, these characters yearn to be others. During last week’s rehearsal, I’ve found that Tilmann sometimes asks the actors to imitate each character’s voice and body which reflect his or her sex and age, while sometimes not. This actually confounds the actors.
Some expresses their uncertainty about when to play himself or when to impersonate characters. Other actors all agree with him and feel ungrounded. In response to their question, Tilmann thinks, a consistent logic is not necessary in this play. He tries to avoid applying one single principle to the entire play and making every scene predictable. Rather, his main concern is to find a way to produce the biggest dramatic momentum for each scene. Throughout the whole play, the only consistent logic is the fact that there are five actors telling a story. One of the actors seconds the director’s idea and says, “Too much impersonation may make the audience pay too much attention to how we act out the roles, how we pretend to be other people. Yet we will never really be able to become them. If we focus heavily on imitation, the performance will gradually get awkward, mechanical, and banal. Ultimately, the audience will get bored.” Here, everyone seems to reach a conclusion: storytelling in the theater is more than mimetic acting, which aims to produce make-believe effects, and thatthe pleasure of the theater is not to hide the rift between actor and character that never disappears but to widens or rediscovers it.
Date: 06/28/12
Place: Goethe Institute and Rehearsal Studio
Afternoon: Reading Performance; Evening: Rehearsal
The reading in the book launch conference goes smoothly, and the audience’s feedback is pretty positive. Tilmann says, throughout the rehearsal process, he has been excavating each actor’s distinctive quality and trying to find different ways to connect this play with Taiwan’s various cultures and reflects its status quo. To him, the whole process is so uncertain that it is full of all kinds of possibilities, and many surprises would pop out at any moment, which is very exciting. The actors also have the same feeling. As Shaojie says, “The rehearsal feels like an adventure. At first, I felt skeptical and wasn’t sure of where we were going, but after having experienced more of such ‘uncertainty,’ I seemed to understand the characters better and started enjoying the process.” Tilmann also mentions that the play deals with the theme of strangeness in three aspects: strangeness in society, between people, and within one’s self. Through his idiosyncratic dramaturgy, the playwright Schimmelfennig interconnects these aspects with one another, expressing three different kinds of voices: “I want to become that person,” “I hate who I am,” and “I’m glad I’m not that person.”
The actors continue to work in the evening. Since the platform stage has been built in the rehearsal room, the actors can develop more interactions with one another and the set. First, they play “hide-and-seek” with the watchers. They hide themselves behind the platform, and their isolated body parts, such as heads, hair, limbs, tongues, and facial features, emerge from the edge of the platform in various speeds. Tilmann then asks the actors to reconfigure the platform into different places by changing the way their bodies interact with it. They roll on the platform, climb up and down it, and trudge over it as if they were wading through a torrential river.
Tilmann also spatializes the characters’ tensions and conflicts by relocating the actors’ relative positions. They move away from, get close to, and collide with each other; they mirror and mimic each other’s movements; they stomp on the platform; they share eye contacts, wrestle, embrace, squat, parallel, tiptoe, cuddle, pause, lie down, and chase; they traverse and climb up on each other’s body; they get entangled, slap each other, kiss, and wipe off the kiss.
Subsequently, Tilmann works with Yenbin on Scene 9. “The old man tries hard to make his speech clear but still can’t make it!” Tilmann starts searching for more props in the rehearsal room, and he finds some cookies. He stuffs all the cookies into Yenbin’s mouth and asks Yenbin to talk clearly without dropping any cookie crumb. Tilmann then drastically subverts Yenbin’s old man into a strong, exuberant young guy. Yenbin-Young Man taunts and despises Yenbin-Old Man. Meanwhile, it feels as if Yenbin as an actor also comments on the aging character he plays. Thus, the dialectics in this scene exists in the relationship between not only characters but also actor and character.